Monday, February 6, 2012

Fleas and Rats and Cats oh My! Getting Settled at Kiabakari -

Hello from Kiabakari everyone!

YES! I am here- and moved into my house.. well still moving/ settling somewhat- but it’s starting to feel a bit like home here... slowly.

So far it has been really great here. I have been welcomed by the other missionary families (that’s right there are 2 new families here- and Geir Tore too : -) Geir from Norway Havstein Binta and their four children from Faroe Islands and Inge Marie and Simon and their soon to be 2 children from Denmark. They have been so hospitable having me for many meals so far- (yup still not losing weight in the village- ) but hoping to get a more normal schedule down too. It’s been so nice having families to hang out with / play games with- We even had a barbecue yesterday here (YES- a Barbecue- IN FEBRUARY! It’s crazy!) Seriously, it’s so good to have them here- I had talked with Geir in October for the need to have weekly gatherings/ a Kiabakari family (partly because I love/ miss mine) AND- well it’s come true – I love getting to know/ spend time with my Kiabakari family!

Other things, Well—there have been some flea issues... still pending (yuck!- they seem to be in the grass so there’s no avoiding it). Some really noisy pigs living right near my house and waking up my second night to something ( I think a rat-) scurrying inside my was closed clothes cupboard.. YUCK! Hence my adoption of the cat living outside Havstein’s and Bintas—I hate to admit it but I’ve rather enjoyed the company and even bought it dagaa ( probably my least favorite thing in the market it Tanzania- dried sardine like fish- bluck- and to let that into my house for this cat must mean I am starting to like it- PLUS I hope it may get the rat... or just scare it from being in my house!)

My first day of teaching will be Wednesday- so far we have had harvest days. Wow- this work surely makes one more aware of all the effort put into all the food we eat... for those of you who like sunflower seeds... well I have some pictures for you but I helped harvest them part two after cutting them all down was to bang on them with big sticks (took us about 5 hours) to get all of the seeds out. Then today I spent harvesting maize for about 8 hours starting at good ol’ 6am! It’s tiring/ hot work..but really good. I feel like my desire for the accompaniment model and working hand in hand really comes to life working in the field with all the students.. But I am glad I won’t be doing it everyday! It will make chapel every morning at 7:30 seem like a sleep in!

Other fun/ random bits-:
• 1- If Ox Lake (Camp!) had a twin.. it’d be here probably- My Faroish friends have ticket to ride Europe and Settlers : - ) WOW (I feel many times I am at camp... especially when I stay up late playing that game.. it’s like staff training all over again.Also campy- graces in swahili going to bed pooped- having to go outside to use the toilet – new today- a Volleyball Net which makes me super thrilled because...
• I am the teacher in charge of Michezo – sports/games and I Stink at football! (soccer)- yet I am pumped to teach ultimate frizbee volleyball and maybe just get some students to go run with me—(which will be of course embarrassing at first!!)
• I need a good cat name:- it’s black and white and is really noisy.. but nice
• It’s hot. That’s all. (It actually encourages me to shower more nice cool water ahhh)
• Today at the big market I went to I had someone profess their love to me.. I’ve never seen them/ met them before in my life... It was touching really.
• Wednesday there’s a women’s prayer/ bible study group started at the Kiabakari church I’m pretty excited for that – also Thursday prayer meeting with the other teachers here- and Wednesday I’m going to join the student’s choir here- I told some of them today in the field- WOW- Karibu sana (very welcome) nice :- )
• Binta has season one of Gilmore Girls – WOW : -D

Okay that’s all hope this is somewhat interesting- I’m pooped- time for bed!

1 comment:

  1. I really hope your first day of teaching went well. I hope you are keeping safe over there and enjoying yourself. Hope to hear from you soon and I hope I can write or call you one of these days :)
