Everyone from much closer to home than my normal posts! I wrote this
reflectiony- blog after being home a while and it sure is encouraging as I
start to make my way back to Tanzania for another year and a half to read this
again :- ) Hope you enjoy it too - - :)
strange to be writing a blog post from the comfort of my parent’s home in MN.
I've been home for about 3 weeks and that is simply nuts to me! My time
home so far has consisted of packing in visits with friends and family, my
brother's wedding and my college roommate's wedding. :)
wanted to take a few minutes to write some of the reflections I have had since
I’ve been home... or coming home as it may be.
You see, as I made my trek home, I had to start thinking about what to
tell people. People love to ask the following questions-
is Africa?” “Are you happy you're home?” “Do you really want to go back?” and my
personal favorite - -“What are you going to do when you're all finished?”
(I still have a good year and a half right?? well.. okay maybe it's time
to start thinking about it...!) I just wish the answer Tanzanians love to hear-
I am not sure, but God knows - works on everyone here as it does there :)
There was one comment in particular that really had me start thinking about
things, and that was: "I'm sure it's so different, I can't even
in this comment really struck me... I was in the Amsterdam airport on my way
home, and for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about it. So
different, I can't imagine it. Yet to me, it doesn't seem so different at all... It took me
a while to figure out why this statement made me feel so uneasy and why I felt
it wasn't really true, let me share with you my thought process in unraveling
how some of my thought processing worked: Different?? Really?
Hmm.... Here are some of the
differences I came up with....
Bugs and Snakes- There are a lot of creepy crawlies that I don't particularly care for in Tanzania, and for those of you that know me- as a camp
counselor I would pick up spiders and snakes (yes, in MN our snakes are small
and non-harmful). However, in Tanzania, there are a lot of large bugs and
snakes (which I learned from waking up to a cobra in my bathroom the first
morning in Kiabakari)- that I cannot
safely/ am not willing to pick up. One of my least favorite are the giant
cockroaches that live in my pantry cupboards! I am not missing them here in MN.
Water- I have to boil my water, (and apparently for longer than what I
have been boiling it for.. bwah bwah..yay stomach parasites and other fun
things! ). It takes time yes, but in reality it makes one think more
about water and not wasting it. Here, in
the US where a person can turn on a tap pretty much anywhere and drink to their
hearts content. Also, if we forget to
turn the tap off and leave it run, it won't run out anytime soon. :(
But please don't do that!). I also don’t have hot water... meaning
cold showers! Which isn't awful, it's just an additional caffeine shot to
my mornings- meaning it helps wake me up - -which is good, since I don’t have
my normal coffee supply, and it also decreases the number of showers I take ;-)
Mosquitos: I don’t know if you know this but as many of you do, mosquitos are the
true state bird in MN... However, Mosquitos in Tanzania are dangerous. The area around me (Mara, Tanzania) is one of
the worst areas for Malaria. So, it means that I sleep in a mosquito net
and get more irritated at them for biting me than I would at home :)
Patience isn’t just a virtue, it’s a necessity.
Things take longer. If you’ve
ever heard/ experienced the phrase “African Time” you know what I mean. Things
are more run on a schedule of well, when this is done then we move on...
meaning things take longer in general and there aren’t specific time frames for
things. My biggest example for this is
church services. Church, is what happens
on Sunday. So, when that is finished
then you can do whatever else you need to do, meaning services range from 1.5
hours to 5 or 6 hours. :) But, this also
contributes to a more relaxed atmosphere and less stress of being on time to
things, because a lot of times things start, when everyone shows up... also
increasing the need for patience at many times.
Roads: Most of the roads around me are dirt roads, there is a giant paved
road that is being worked on that stretches down to Mwanza and up to Kenya.
But around the village it's dirt... or slippery mud during rainy season
(I don't advise running (aka falling) - in it).
Language: Here in Kiabakari, Swahili is the first language, and the
language I use most (unless I'm with the other mzungus (or white folks), mostly
being the other missionaries (which for them English is their second language
as well- - I’m slowly working on my Danish and Norwegian... (and by slowlyl I
mean it...sloooowly). But Swahili is used, at church, at school, in my
teaching (of course paired with English), walking on the road and in the
market. (It's a fun language though :)
CULTURAL: Here's where we get into more serious differences. However since they
are cultural differences, these are not things we can simply classify as good
or bad, rather we accept them as they are, differences; and simply work
and hope for change in those things perhaps deemed as unequal or
discriminating. Some minor things that are different to home culturally
living in the village include: Women must wear skirts. As a Christian you may
not smoke or drink any alcohol. Elders are to be respected, from the way
you greet them, to the way you speak with them and by all means you must listen
to them.
other large cultural difference in the area I am living in that at times has
been personally challenging is the way women are treated. I have written
about this before in my previous blogs, but as a recap, for the most part women
are to be subordinate to men. They are not allowed into all work
positions (including they are not allowed to be ordained in my region, or be
leaders in many other spheres of the workplace). As far as marriage goes,
the men are to rule over the women and in many cases it is not an equal bond as
the woman must listen and obey what the man says.
as we may or may not agree with these cultural differences I remind us all that
they are simply that, cultural differences and as frustrating as it may be at
times it does not make anyone better or worse as a person or culture. It
also makes me think about how in the not-so-distant past, women in the United
States had to work hard to gain many rights as well and I am very fortunate for
the privileges I have had growing up. It has also been quite interesting
for me to see in some respects how women's freedom is changing slowly within
the church, and also the huge differences when I travel to the larger cities in
Tanzania and Kenya. For instance in Arusha and Nairobi, you will find many
women wearing jeans (usually the younger generations).
are some of the differences I came up with.
I by no means mean to minimize them, as they are differences that I live
with on a daily basis. However... what I
realized as I figured out the similarities that smacked me in the face was why
I felt things weren’t so different after all.
All in all... People are
people no matter where you go- we may look different, we may speak different
languages and we may think differently on some things, but all in all we feel
the same feelings and emotions and we share in may similar experiences.
The Importance of Community: Think about it... How much support have you
received from various communities throughout your life?
No matter where you go, no matter
where you are, we are communal people. Whether it’s friends, family, church
groups, sports teams, whatever it may be - We as human beings need community-
People always ask me- what is it like living all alone in Tanzania. My thoughts as I think about it now are- I
don’t that would be weird and hard, but there are actually roughly 42 million
citizens of Tanzania!! (Neato) - - I
know that is the smart- aleck answer and that most people mean being in a house/
moving to this village alone mostly... but I don’t feel alone. The community that God has put me in is
simply amazing. I am blessed and amazed by the wonderful friends and even
family (as it feels like to me) I have been given in Tanzania. I’ve also discovered that if we share God’s
love as Jesus commands of us in John chapter 15 vs 9-12 - we will be surrounded by this community
wherever we go- how amazing is that?!
LOVE- The love and help I’ve experienced from those in Tanzania has been
pretty amazing... For those of you who have been to Tanzania you’ll agree that
we could all take some lessons on hospitality, caring for your neighbor and the
amazing help you will receive even when there is little to give.
in the grand scheme of things- I felt the statement of – So different... I
can’t even imagine it- - was so odd- because, even halfway across the world
we’re not so different after all.
After all we’re all brothers and sisters in Christ, we’re all children
of God- and if we all do our best to follow Jesus’ example to love all those we
come into contact with, no matter what the differences may be between us-
cultural, gender, religious etc... we will always be united through that love.
:- )
15 : 9-12 Jesus Said - “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in
my love, jut as I have obeyed my father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in
you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have
loved you. “